Monday, January 16, 2012

India Trip February 2011

Last year, I was honored to join a group from my church in a mission trip India.  I am forever changed by the experience.  Here are just a few of the many pictures I took of the amazing people of India.  They are a beautiful people but what I appreciate most is their generosity and openness regardless of their personal circumstances.  They accept their situation and do their best with what they have.  I learned a lot from them.  

There are so many poignant sights everywhere you look.  The sheer numbers of people living on the streets or required by life's circumstances to make a living by begging makes my heart ache.


New Year, New Opportunities

I've been gone for a while as a blogger but this year is different for me in many ways. First, I have a house full of loving family members that enjoy sharing time together. We took in another young lady last fall that has renewed my hope in having a close relationship with a daughter.

Second, I have a renewed enthusiasm for life and creativity. My photography business is an exciting new adventure for me. I've been slowly convinced by those closest to me that my photos are worthy of sale. And the more I considered the possibilities, the more appealing a full-time career in photography was to me.

So, I will begin to share some of my favorite photography and the memories that come with them on this blog. I hope you enjoy it as much as I will.